I have a tooth ache. How can you help?

Infections often cause pain and pressure in your tooth’s interior. It is important to determine the cause of the toothache before treatment is recommended. The first thing you need to do is get to a dentist as quickly as possible. Dental Professionals at Nair Dental will determine the source of the ache and work with you to achieve a pain-free result.

Some of my teeth are missing. What can you do?

We will first get you an oral health assessment at our dental facilities. With our team, we will explore several options for replacing missing teeth. Depending on your dental needs, your budget, and our professional recommendation, you may get a crown and bridge, dentures and partials, or dental implants.

My teeth are really yellow. Is there any way to get a brighter smile?

We offer our patients whitening service, which can brighten your smile in just one dental visit. If you have cracked, chipped, or gapped teeth, you might also consider getting porcelain veneers.

I have crooked teeth. Can they be fixed?

Make an appointment with us to discuss your options for clear braces. They are virtually invisible, comfortable to wear, and easy to remove. And it can take as little as twelve months for full smile correction.

I’d like to get dental treatment. What are my payment options?

At Nair Dental we offer several ways to pay for your treatments. We accept cash, MasterCard, and Visa. We welcome new patients!


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All estimates are free and flexible according to materials and scheduling.